Filming in Japan

CueRio helped the production of a story of CNA: 4-Day Work Week In Japan

We helped with the feature story of a Singaporean TV network, CNA (Channel News Asia) Money Mind, about 4-Day Work Week In Japan. The feature came amidst global attention on how the system would operate in Japan, with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announcing the introduction of the system for its civil servants. On the first […]

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More about CueRio
CueRio staff as a Fixer / Videographer Plan

Although CueRio's main service is Fixer, we can help you with all aspects of video production. One of these is that CueRio staff can also work as a videographer. Of course, it is difficult to shoot as full-scale as when technical staff are hired, but simple filming can be handled adequately. We will be responsible […]

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CueRio helped the production of a story of CNA about 9sqm Micro apartment in Japan

We helped with the feature story of a Singaporean TV network, CNA (Channel News Asia) Money Mind, about Microapartment in Japan and it was aired last week. The micro apartment is a very small sized residence as small as 9sqm and becoming popular among young people who cannot afford high rents but want to live […]

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Filming in Japan
Japanese Catering, "Location Bento" part2: Breakfast Bentos

Following up on my previous post, I would like to kepp on introducing you to the Japanese location bento. Catering for the crew is not only necessary for lunch and dinner. Sometimes filming starts early in the morning, in which case the production needs to prepare breakfast. In this article, we will introduce some recommended […]

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Filming in Japan
Japanese Catering, "Location Bento" part1: Classic Choices

There are many things that need to be prepared for a shoot, such as arranging filming equipment, booking accommodation and purchasing transportation tickets, but there is one more important task that can make or break the success of a shoot. That is arranging food. For smaller scales such as documentaries or news reports, you may […]

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Filming around Japan
Saga: The smallest in Kyushu but a lot to offer

In four recent Feed articles, we have introduced some of the best places to shoot in Gunma.・Gunma Part 1: 2,000m mountains just 1 hour or two from Tokyo・Gunma Part 2: Water, gift from the mountains・Gunma Part 3: Hot Spring Kingdom・Gunma Part 4: Other attractions We visited Saga on a recce last November and we would […]

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A street shooting project with 4 Slovakian photographers and a British producer

It's been a while since the last update.For about a month in May and June, I was involved in a filming project, neither TV nor movie, that I can't disclose the details of yet.Together with a British producer and four Slovakian cinematographers, we traveled from Tokyo to Osaka and Kyoto, filming in a variety of […]

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CueRio helped the production of a story of CNA about Inflation in Japan

We helped with the feature story of a Singaporean TV network, CNA (Channel News Asia) Money Mind, about Inflation in Japan and it was aire last week. We firstly interviewed Ms. Shirai, Advisor for Sustainable Policies of Asian Development Bank Instutute and her opinion on the outlook of Japan's economy. We also interview Mr. Ohama, […]

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Filming around Japan
Gunma Part 4: Other attractions

We have introduced the highlights that we, as Fixer, would recommend when filming in Gunma Prefecture with different themes; Part 1: Mountains, Part 2: Water locations and Part 3: Onsen (hot springs). In this article, we would like to write about the locations that we could not summarise so far. Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku Takaragawa Onsen […]

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Filming around Japan
Gunma Part 3: Hot Spring Kingdom

We have been writing about various atractions of Gunma prefecture.Gunma Part 1: 2,000m mountains just 1 hour or two from TokyoGunma Part 2: Water, gift from the mountains Gunma is the Kanto region's largest Onsen, or hot spring hub. There are many unique hot springs, including ancient hot springs with a history of more than […]

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