CueRio is a production team of producers, directors, videographers, and fixers to help to film productions for foreign networks in Japan. We have been active since 2016 and helped with filming inside and outside of Japan. The area of our support is diverse and overarching and tailored to your style and demand. We have partnerships with various filming and technical production companies, freelance cameramen, and other technical experts. Primarily we are freelance and independent, so our rate is very competitive and negotiable. We mainly provide support for English-speaking film producers but we are also competent in handling several other languages such as Spanish.
We chose the name CueRio wishing to deliver the following two messages.
"CueRio = Give a cue to Rio"
Rio (the founder of this association) and the rest of our producers are always proactive and ready to do whatever necessary for the program. So please give us a cue or order anything! We will be on hand anytime and as quick as possible to work behind the scenes.
We guarantee you that you will have as stress-free an experience as if you were filming in your own country.
"CueRio = Curiosity"
To produce a good TV program or movie clip, we believe that being interested is an essential quality you need to have as a part of the team. So we are always curious to explore the subject we are going to cover. “Cherish the curiosity” is our motto, and the name “CueRio” also came from this motto. The fields we often cover are the following: Documentary, Sports, Current Affairs, Social Issues, Japanese Culture. Nevertheless as stated above, we are interested in covering all subjects and ready to educate ourselves in new areas.
Rio Mimaki
Rio (Ryota Mimaki), the founder of CueRio Film has been active as a field producer, a fixer, coordinator and a director in Japan since 2016. He studied at the University of East Anglia in the UK, where he picked up his English. After completing his degree he moved back to Japan and started working in a production office specialising in documentaries. After gaining experience for several years he became an independent and a freelance interpreter, field producer, and fixer. He has been contributing to numerous productions for major networks including, NHK, TV Asahi, Al Jazeera, and Bloomberg.