Viking More

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Interview with Ms. Cynthia Martens on September 9th

We coordinated and conducted an interview with Ms. Cynthia Martens for Fuji TV's news program "Viking More" on September 9th 2021. She explained how competitive it is to be a lawyer in New York.#lawyers #小室圭 #PrincessMako #NewYorkCity #Japan #Tokyo #fujitv

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Interview with Ms. Angela Levin on October 14th

We coordinated and conducted an interview with Ms. Angela Levin for Fuji TV's news program "Viking More". It aired on September 26th and went very well!

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Interview with Mr. Graeme McGarry of Herald on August 25th

We coordinated and conducted an interview with Mr. Graeme_McGarry of a Scotish news paper, Herald for Fuji TV's news program "Viking More" on August 25th. He explained about the racial abuse towards a Japanese player of Celtic FC, Kyogo Furuhashi. We hope that he'll continue what he is doing now and bring success to his […]

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Interview with Ms. Angela Levin about Prince Harry and Meghan

We coordinated and conducted an interview with Ms. Angela Levin for Fuji TV's news program "Viking More".It aired on October 6th and went very well!It was really interesting to hear her harsh and sincere opinion about Prince Harry and Meghan!!

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