Although CueRio's main service is Fixer, we can help you with all aspects of video production. One of these is that CueRio staff can also work as a videographer. Of course, it is difficult to shoot as full-scale as when technical staff are hired, but simple filming can be handled adequately. We will be responsible for the footage taken and will send it to you all by file transfer.

Here you can see our service flow.

Enquiry -> Consultation

First, please explain to CueRio exactly what you want to film as a specific case. Based on the information received, CueRio staff will let you know whether or not one of us can handle the shooting without outside technical staff.

We would appreciate the following information to speed up the process.
- Outline of the programme/project
- A list of things to film (interviews and B-roll visuals images etc)
- Proposed questions
- Preferred video format/audio format
- Shooting period or deadline
- Reference material (URLs or documents)

We would like to have a briefing session with the information you have given us - Zoom or Google Meet would be most suitable, but we are also open to phone calls and WatsApp. We would like to make sure that we are all on the same page when moving forward with the project, and we would also like to make suggestions regarding the items to be filmed for the B-roll and the equipment to be used.


Based on the information you give us at the enquiry and consultation, we will proceed with the following tasks that are necessary before the shooting date.

- Making appointments for interviews
- Obtaining filming permission (not necessary for small shoots)
- Arranging transport and accommodation
- Arranging equipment hire
- Researching filming locations
(A separate pre-production charge may be levied if the workload is significant)


CueRio staff will go to the shooting location alone to carry out the filming. Depending on access, public transport may be used or a rented car. For sit-down interviews, we would like to use a wireless microphone and mount the camera on a tripod. Street interviews and vox pops will be conducted with a hand-held camera with just a camera-microphone.

We prioritise the filming list you have given us, but we will also film appropriate scenes flexibly and will ask follow-up questions during the interview. We would like to keep you informed of the progress of the work as much as possible, but as we are basically a one-man operation, it can be difficult to report back to you every step of the way. As soon as possible after filming, we will send you the filmed material via File Transfer. We aim to deliver the material by the next morning, including compressing it into a ZIP file and uploading it to the server.

We usually use a File Transfer service called Gigafile Transfer here, although the instructions are only available in Japanese.

How to download Gigafile transfer (English)


After filming is complete, CueRio can provide a range of support for the programme's broadcast. If interviews are conducted in Japanese, CueRio can provide English translation and transcription services, as well as research and rights handling. This work is also at the same rate as pre-production.


The day charge for a CueRio staff as a fixer / basic videographer:
350 USD
(+10%VAT, +Equipment, +Expenses)

The following are usually claimed as expenses.
- Transport costs
- Car hire
- Parking fees
- Highway tolls
- Lunch
- Gifts for interviewees
- Accomodation

Hourly rate for research, preparation, and post production:
50 USD



As a single CueRio staff member handles the filming, a small camcorder is usually used. The main cameras we use are the SONY PXW-X70 and SONY PXW-Z90, combined with a wireless microphone and tripod as one set. Depending on the exchange rate and availability of equipment, this is estimated to be around USD 50-70 per day. If you want to add lighting, GoPro or other equipment, additional charges will apply.

Filming record

We have worked on a number of filming assignments, most recently for the following programmes
- Mie Ama Divers (The Straits Times)
- Yubari City in Hokkaido (The Straits Times)
- 2024 Noto Earthquake (The Straits Times)

The situations when this plan is recommended

- When the shooting budget is limited
- When shooting only one shot interviews
- When there is no time to prepare, like when an incident occurs

Limitations of this plan

As CueRio's staff are Fixers by profession, we recommend the addition of dedicated technical staff for projects such as
- You want to use a cinematic camera
- Shooting beautiful landscapes and B-roll
- Shooting scenes with a lot of movement, such as sports
- Recording clear audio in scenes with multiple people talking.

In this article, we have introduced a plan that CueRio offers, in which CueRio staff acts as a Fixer and also takes charge of filming as a Videographer. However, this is just one form of service we offer, and we would like to propose an appropriate plan depending on the situation of the shoot.

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